Змініть локалізацію віджета чату

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Оновлено 1 рік тому

Щоб мати можливість локалізувати чат у вашому застосунку або змінити його тексти, виконайте наступні дії:

1. Створіть “Localizable.string” і оберіть бажану локалізацію.

2. Потім додайте рядкові ресурси до файлу Localizable.string з потрібними текстами. У HelpCrunch SDK ви можете використовувати такі імена:

"helpcrunch.navigation.button.close" = "Close";

"helpcrunch.attachment.photo" = "Take a Photo";
"helpcrunch.attachment.library" = "Select from a Library";
"helpcrunch.attachment.file" = "Select file";

"helpcrunch.agent.agents" = "Agents";
"helpcrunch.agent.is-typing" = "%@ is typing...";
"helpcrunch.agent.are-typing" = "%@ are typing...";
"helpcrunch.agent.and-more" = " and %i more";

"helpcrunch.chat.file.uploaded" = "uploaded";
"helpcrunch.chat.file.downloaded" = "downloaded";

"helpcrunch.chat.alert.deleted" = "This chat was removed. You’ll be redirected to the chat list.";
"helpcrunch.chat.alert.filesize-exceeded" = "The maximum supported file size is %.0f MB.";

"helpcrunch.alert.button.ok" = "OK";

"helpcrunch.connection.unknown-error" = "Oops, something went wrong";
"helpcrunch.connection.offline" = "No internet connection";

"helpcrunch.prechatForm.name" = "Name";
"helpcrunch.prechatForm.email" = "Email";
"helpcrunch.prechatForm.company" = "Company";
"helpcrunch.prechatForm.phone" = "Phone number";
"helpcrunch.prechatForm.department" = "Choose a department";
"helpcrunch.prechatForm.continue" = "Continue";
"helpcrunch.prechatForm.acceptance-title" = "I have read and accept the";
"helpcrunch.prechatForm.acceptance-name" = "Privacy Policy";
"helpcrunch.prechatForm.top-message" = "We respond within 2 minutes most of the time. Otherwise, we'll drop you an email.";

"helpcrunch.kb.title" = "Hello 👋 How can we help?";
"helpcrunch.kb.search-result" = "Search result: %@";
"helpcrunch.kb.search-result.none.title" = "There are no articles";
"helpcrunch.kb.search-result.none.description" = "We’re working on adding our help articles.\nYou’ll find them here very soon.";
"helpcrunch.kb.search-articles" = "Search articles";
"helpcrunch.kb.rate.title" = "DID THIS ANSWER YOUR\nQUESTION?";
"helpcrunch.kb.tab" = "Search";
"helpcrunch.kb.section.show-articles" = "SHOW ALL";
"helpcrunch.kb.section.hide-articles" = "HIDE ARTICLES";
"helpcrunch.kb.article.author" = "Written by %@";
"helpcrunch.kb.article.updated" = "Updated %@";

"helpcrunch.chat.tab" = "Ask";

"helpcrunch.chat.waiting-message" = "Searching for a free agent. Please hold on.";
"helpcrunch.chat.offline-message" = "Sorry, we are not available now. We've got your message though and we'll reply to you as soon as we can.";
"helpcrunch.chat.message-chat-closed" = "This chat is closed";
"helpcrunch.chat.message-placeholder" = "Type message";
"helpcrunch.chat.status.closed" = "CLOSED";

"helpcrunch.chat.rating.poor" = "Poor";
"helpcrunch.chat.rating.avarage" = "Avarage";
"helpcrunch.chat.rating.great" = "Great";
"helpcrunch.chat.rating.title" = "How do you rate your customer\nservice experience?";

"helpcrunch.chat.message.tech.status" = "Chat marked as %@ by %@";
"helpcrunch.chat.message.tech.status-without-agent" = "Chat marked as %@";
"helpcrunch.chat.message.tech.rated" = "Chat rated %@";
"helpcrunch.chat.message.tech.request-rating" = "Please rate this chat";

"helpcrunch.chats.date.now" = "Now";
"helpcrunch.chats.date.hours" = "h";
"helpcrunch.chats.date.minutes" = "m";
"helpcrunch.chats.start" = "Start new conversation";

"helpcrunch.chat.more.end-chat" = "End this chat";

"helpcrunch.chatbot.boolean.yes" = "Yes";
"helpcrunch.chatbot.boolean.no" = "No";

"helpcrunch.cancel" = "Cancel";

3. Оберіть "Localizable.string" у Project Navigator і натисніть Alt+Cmd+1.

4. Натисніть на Localize... у File inspector.

5. Переконайтеся, що ви позначили відповідну мову у списку чекбоксів, який щойно з’явився.

5. Be sure that you checked appropriate language in the list of checkboxes which have just appeared 

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