Integrate HelpCrunch with Zapier

Connect HelpCrunch with the apps you use everyday
Written by Konstantine
Updated 7 months ago

With Zapier, you can connect your apps and move information between them automatically. In this way you can put many of your workflows on autopilot and focus on your most important work.

Zapier's automated workflows are called Zaps. Zaps connect your apps (e.g. HelpCrunch or Gmail) to automate repetitive tasks. You can create a Zap in minutes, no coding required at all. Read more on how Zapier works.

↔️ Integrate HelpCrunch with Zapier

Step 1. Open your HelpCrunch account. Then go to Settings → Integrations and copy your Zapier API Code.

Step 2. Open your Zapier account. Then press Make a Zap button and search for HelpCrunch app.

Step 3. Choose a trigger from the list.

Step 4. Zapier will prompt you to sign in to your HelpCrunch account in order to proceed with the integration. Press Sign in to HelpCrunch button.

Step 5. Another browser window will open, asking you to enter your API key. Paste your Zapier API Key in the input field and press Yes, Continue button.

Step 6. Choose your HelpCrunch account from the dropdown list and click on the Continue button. 

That's it! If you want to add HelpCrunch action, and not a trigger, the process will be the same.

⚡ HelpCrunch Triggers

Currently, there are 8 HelpCrunch triggers available via Zapier. Feel free to chat us with your feedback on the missing triggers you'd like to use.

Trigger Description
New Chat Created Triggers when new chat is created
Chat Assignee Updated Triggers when chat assignee is updated
Chat Status Updated Triggers when chat status is updated
Chat Closed Triggers when chat is closed
New Customer Created Triggers when new customer is created
Customer Email Updated Triggers when customer email is updated
Customer Tags Updated Triggers when customer tags are updated
Customer Unsubscribed Triggers when customer is unsubscribed

🎯HelpCrunch Actions

There are only two HelpCrunch actions available now via Zapier. Feel free to chat us with your feedback on other actions you'd like to use.

Action Description
Create Customer Creates a new customer within your HelpCrunch account
Find Customer

Search for customers. A new customer can be created if there's no search result

If you have any questions on Zapier integration, feel free to chat us any time. 

👩‍💻 Happy No-Coding! 👨‍💻

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