Create custom inboxes

You can create as many custom inboxes as you need for better prioritization and distribution of customer support requests.
Written by Konstantine
Updated 1 year ago

There are several default inboxes in HelpCrunch that are available to everyone: All incoming, Opened, New, On hold, Assigned to me, and Departments.

All chats are distributed among them based on their status and assignee. For instance, if you need to access all chats that you or your teammates have put on hold, just go to Inboxes -> On hold. Or, if you want to check only the chats that you’ve assigned to yourself, then go to Assigned to me -> My on-hold. I guess it’s pretty self-explanatory.

However, any team member can create their own custom inboxes. 

What is a custom inbox?

Custom inboxes can help customer support agents better distribute chats between each other, set their priorities, react upon important cases faster, and supervise everyone’s performance more conveniently.

How to create a custom inbox

To create a custom inbox, just navigate to the drop-down list with all the inboxes and press the ‘Add new inbox’ button there:

How to set up your custom inbox

Once you press the button, you’ll get redirected to the ‘New inbox settings’ window. In this window, choose all the filters for your custom inbox: statuses, assignees, agents, tags, departments, website widgets or apps.

Additionally, you can set your custom inbox as private by checking the corresponding checkbox at the bottom of the setting window. If you choose to hide your inbox, it won’t be visible to any of the team members but you.

Now, let’s talk about each of the available filters in detail:

  • Status. Once you choose to filter chats by statuses, all the chats with selected statuses will automatically appear in your custom inbox. You can select as many statuses as you need.
  • Assignee. This filter allows you to specify one or several team members whose chats will automatically appear in your custom inbox. This will only work for chats where given operators are marked as assignees. If you need to delete an assignee from the filter, just hover the mouse over their name, and you’ll see a corresponding icon.
  • Agents. Since one chat thread can contain messages from several support agents but only one assignee, you can filter chats by support agents that left at least one message in them. It’s also possible to select several agents at once. You can delete it by hovering the mouse over any name and clicking the corresponding icon.
  • Tags. Once you specify chat tags as filters for your custom inbox, it will contain all chats with corresponding tags. 
  • Departments. With this filter, your custom inbox will contain all chats assigned to selected departments. 
  • Website widget or app. In HelpCrunch, you can create several chat widgets for different websites and mobile apps. That’s why it may be useful to set filtering by widgets to distribute chats from different domains/apps between dedicated inboxes.


Some filters have the ‘or/and’  toggle switches in them. If you put the switch in ‘and’ position, the filters will add up to each other. This way, only chats that correspond to all criteria at the same time will appear in your custom inbox. If you put the switch in ‘or’ position, your custom inbox will contain all chats that correspond to at least one of the specified parameters.

Let’s say you want your custom inbox to have all chats that contain both Tag1 and Tag2 simultaneously. In this case, you’ll need to apply the ‘and’ option. However, if you put the switch in ‘or’ position, your custom inbox will contain all chats with either Tag1 or Tag2.

How to edit or delete your custom inbox

You can edit or delete your custom inbox in the drop-down list of all inboxes. Just hover the mouse over any custom inbox, and you’ll see the two corresponding icons there.

See also: Tweak your HelpCrunch Inbox

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