Configure your iOS app in HelpCrunch

Here's how you can add your iOS app to HelpCrunch and configure everything in it.
Written by Andrew
Updated 4 months ago

You can add the HelpCrunch iOS SDK to your project using CocoaPods, Carthage or even manually.

This process requires iOS >=11 , XCode >=12, and >=Swift 4.0. We also have dependency on the Socket.IO >= v13 framework. Don’t worry if you’re not using it as it will be automatically downloaded by CocoaPods or Carthage.

If you want to manually install our SDK, you will need to take care of adding the Socket.IO dependency by yourself. We support both ObjectiveC and Swift apps.

If you need older version, that is written in objc and can be installed without CocoaPods, check here.

So, we will start configuring your app in your HelpCrunch profile, then proceed to implementing and configuring the HelpCrunch iOS SDK in your iOS project, and finally, we’ll describe how to create a push-enabled iOS application and send notifications to users.

Configuring your app in HelpCrunch

Create a new app

To add a new app, log into your HelpCrunch account, then go to the Settings page → Set up & Customize → iOS APPs and press 'Add new'. Fill in the iOS App Name field and press the 'Apply' button:

Add an APNS certificate

If you plan to use push notifications to inform your application users about new messages from HelpCrunch, you will need to add an APNS certificate and APNS certificate passphrase to the app. Also don't forget to add your Bundle Id. Skip this step if you do not plan to use push notifications.

If you don't know how to generate push notification certificate, you can read it in 'How to generate and export Push Certificate'

More details about push notification integration can be found in the 'Enabling Push Notifications' section.

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