
Close chats to separate conversations with the same user

It's better to store chat conversations separately instead of having one infinite chat thread.
Napisany przez Konstantine
Zaktualizowano 2 lata temu

All communication with a given customer can be organized either as a continuous chat and a set of separate chat conversations which can be rated by customers.

  • Continuous chat. By default, your interaction with a given customer is a continuous flow with unlimited chat history.
  • Separate chats. You may want to treat each resolved case as a support ticket. After the customer’s problem has been resolved, just close the chat so that the next interaction with this visitor will become a new chat.

To close a chat, just change its status to closed. Your customer will be able to rate a chat once it's closed. Moreover, all the separate chats will be displayed accordingly in your chat widget.

You can access the entire history of all previous conversations with any contact. It’s available in the user profile under the ‘Conversations’ section.

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