Upgrading to the newest REST API version

Set of guidelines for migration to the latest REST API version
Written by Konstantine
Updated 8 months ago

From time to time, you will need to upgrade from an older major version of HelpCrunch REST API to a newer one. It could be because of a version deprecation, or it could be because you want to use some new features. We recommend that you always upgrade to the newest version.

The latest major version of the HelpCrunch REST API is v1.x

If you're currently using the Legacy REST API, it is important that you migrate to the v1.x version.

Please note that the legacy REST API will be discontinued soon and won't be supported any longer. We recommend you to switch to the version 1.x as soon as possible.

Migrating from legacy version to v1.x

Here's the list of all legacy API methods corresponding to v1.x API methods:

What's new in v1.x version

In order to get started with the new API, please read through this API basics guide. And here is a brief overview of the new API capabilities:


  • Search for customers method can do much more than just searching by tag. From now on you can search customers by id, name, email, company, phone, countryCode, city, regionCode, tagsData, createdAt, lastSeen and userId. Moreover, you can combine several parameters, use operators and sort your search results.
  • You can append tags to customers or remove them with separate methods, without the need to use the Update Customer method.


We added a brand new Chat API that allows you to get, search, create and snooze your chats. If necessary, you can also update chat status, assignee and department. 


We added a brand new Messages API allowing you to get messages from your chats and create messages on behalf of your customers or agents.


We added a new method to unsubscribe your team members from HelpCrunch email newsletters. Get started with Agents API.


This is a new API with only one method available currently. You can get a list of all departments for your HelpCrunch account. Get started with Departments API.


This is a new API with only one method available currently. You can get a list of all applications for your HelpCrunch account. Application can be a Website Widgets, an Android app or an iOS app. Get started with Applications API.

Cherry on the pie 🍒

This is not about REST API, but we added Webhooks allowing you to get real-time updates on your chats and customers as they happen. By using webhooks you can reduce the number of GET requests to the REST API, which will help you always stay within the API limits.

If you have any questions regarding our newest REST API version,
feel free to chat us any time.

👩‍💻 Happy Coding! 👨‍💻

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