Proactive chat auto messages

Send proactive messages via chat to engage your visitors and help them start a conversation.
Written by Konstantine
Updated 2 years ago

There are several types of the auto messages: proactive chat, targeted chat or email.

Proactive Chat helps you engage new people who are not your registered users. It lets you take the initiative and proactively start a conversation with your visitors basing on what they do on your site. They are behavior-driven and immediate (if there are no delays specified intentionally).

Create proactive chat auto message

Simply go to the corresponding section in the side menu and hit 'Add new auto message' button

1. Select auto message type

Proactive chat (triggers) - for your visitors.

Targeted chat (audience) and Email type - for your logged-in users.

2. Website widget or app

In case if you have multiple chat widgets on different webpages, check which widget you want to display this message in. 

3. Send when team online/offline

If your auto message is designed to attract visitor's attention and initiate conversation, you might want to display it only when your team is online, to keep up the conversation. In other cases, for promotions, announcements, etc... You can display them with no regard for team availability.

4. Send to visitors or authenticated users

Proactive chat auto messages are intended for visitors only, but who said you cannot display them to your logged-in users? It's always good to have an option, right? 

5. Send only once per user

You might want to welcome your visitors each time they visit your website, but in some cases, once is more than enough. Try to be helpful, not annoying.

6. Compose your message

We recommend keeping proactive chat messages as short as possible. Let images and gifs talk instead of words. You can also insert buttons, links, attachments, etc.. 

7. Proactive chat rules

Now it's time to draw a user jorney. Think of all pages new visitors will visit. Try to help them on their path to the goal, not to interrupt. Combine multiple rules for more complex usage scenarios.

Here's the list of available rules:

Chat widget is opened True / False
Browser language Equals / Is not English, French, Spanish etc..
Chat history with a visitor Exists / No chat history
Time on page Greater / Less / Equals Time in seconds.
(last loaded page)
City Equals / Contains / Is not New York, Berlin, etc..
Country Equals / Is not Spain, France, etc..
Current Page URL Equals / contains / Is not URL (e.g.
Time spent this visit Time in seconds.
If user visits website and leaves/returns within 30 minutes - it's counted as the same visit
Number of page views 
(All pages of your   website, this session)
Greater / Less / Equals Number
Number of sent proactive invitations (number of proactive chat messages were sent before this moment) Greater / Less / Equals Number
Number of visits Greater / Less / Equals Number
OS / User agent
(Is a string that is given to each website you visit, containing info about your browser version and operating system)
Equals / Contains / Does not contain / Is not Windows 10, Chrome 76..
Platform Desktop / mobile
Rating Equals / Is not  Great / Average / Poor
Referrer URL
(The page user came from, the one where they clicked the link)
Equals / Contains / Is not URL
Source URL Equals / Contains / Is not URL
Time before exit intent Greater / Less / Equals Time in seconds
Time with no reply from agent Greater / Less / Equals Time in seconds
Time since the chat widget was closed Greater / Less / Equals Time in seconds
Time since the last proactive invitation Greater / Less / Equals Time in seconds
UTM campaign
(Used for keyword analysis. Use it to identify a specific product promotion or strategic campaign. Example: utm_campaign=spring_sale)
Equals / Contains / Is no Value
UTM content
(Used for A/B testing and content-targeted ads. Use utm_content to differentiate ads or links that point to the same URL. Examples: logolink or textlink)
Equals / Contains / Is no Value
UTM medium
(utm_medium is used to identify a medium such as email or cost-per- click. Example: cpc)
Equals / Contains / Is no Value
UTM Source
(utm_source is used identify a search engine, newsletter name, or other source. Example: google)
Equals / Contains / Is no Value
UTM term
(Used for paid search. Use utm_term to note the keywords for this ad. Example: running+shoes)
Equals / Contains / Is no Value

See also:

Targeted chat and email auto messages

Manual messages

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