Targeted chat and email auto messages

Targeted chats and automated emails are great for onboarding, upselling, and collecting feedback.
Written by Konstantine
Updated 10 months ago

Compose auto message

Go to the corresponding section in the main menu and click the 'Add new auto Message' button at the top right of the page.

Most of the settings are pretty self-explanatory, but if you're still unsure what they mean, little tooltips next to each setting will help you get right into it.

1. Choose the message type

  • Proactive chat (read here)
  • Targeted Chat message works cool with your registered customers, helping you upsell, collect feedback and target your customers with personalized offers basing on their personal data and onsite behavior (read more about advanced search criteria).
  • Emails are great for onboarding, sending promotional content or re-engaging inactive users. Based on customer data and onsite behavior, you can send free trial action-based emails, one-off deals, product announcements, and/or build a consistent sequence of emails for your lifecycle marketing. 

2. Configure a delay

Select the delay type and specify time in seconds, minutes, hours, days...

• Without delay - will be sent immediately.
• With a delay - Will be sent after the delay specified in Wait time.
• Only to conversations with no activity for a certain time - This message will be delivered only when there are no new messages in the conversation between an agent and a client for a specified period of time (Wait Time).

3. Show in chat

Show in chat” checkbox: If unchecked, this Auto Message will be delivered by email only and will not be displayed in the chat (for email auto messages only).

4. Compose your message

Basically, you can choose one of our pre-made message templates or create and save your own ones. Just write a text, add an image or two and tweak with editing options. You can also read how to compose your message in the visual email editor here.
Also, consider being more specific as to what can potentially interest your visitor.
For example: "Hey, Sam! What kind of skis are you looking for? I’d be happy to help"
Rather than just: "May I help you?” (read more)

5. Send a test email

It's always a good idea to send a test manual message to yourself before sending it to customers. You can specify one or multiple email addresses for receiving a test email. 

Note that user variables (e.g. {first_name} parameter) won't be substituted in your test email. Basically, you'll receive an email with a {first_name} parameter and not its meaning.

Don't worry though as this is only the case for test emails.

In order to test an email with customer attributes, you need to send a real message to yourself by filtering out the audience bellow and choosing your chat.

6. Choose your Audience

Finally, set the rules to select your auto message recipients (read more about Advanced search criteria). You can combine several rules to filter your list of contacts and segment them more precisely.

Below, you can see an example of customer criteria for the auto message:

• 'Email has any value' means that auto message will go to all customers that have their email addresses specified in your database.

• 'Had chat — true' means that you should have a previous communication history with a visitor (e.g. via chat).

If you have more than one websites, you might need to set different auto messages. For proactive chat messages, you can Choose Website Widgets & Mobile APPs in the corresponding drop-down menu. For Targeted Chats and Emails, you can add criteria: Last page – Contains – YOUR WEBSITE DOMAIN NAME

We also recommend enabling HelpCrunch User Authentication Mode. This feature lets you automatically display all users who registered/logged into your website in the 'Contacts' section of your HelpCrunch account.

This way, customers will apear in your 'Contacts' section even if they have not chatted with you before.

You’ll be able to send your own custom attributes, which you set for your website or application, to your HelpCrunch account. This will let you apply filters for quick search and send targeted messages to users who meet criteria you set for your business.

See also:

Proactive chat auto messages

Manual messages

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