
Auto messages

Targeted chat and email auto messages

Targeted chats and automated emails are great for onboarding, upselling, and collecting feedback.

Napisany przez Konstantine
Zaktualizowano 8 miesięcy temu

Proactive chat auto messages

Send proactive messages via chat to engage your visitors and help them start a conversation.

Napisany przez Konstantine
Zaktualizowano rok temu

Manual messages

Send a manual message via email or chat

Send product announcements, updates, special offers, promotions etc...

Napisany przez Konstantine
Zaktualizowano 8 miesięcy temu

Visual email editor

Personalize your email with user attributes

Greet your customers by name, mention their company and make your email feel more personalized.

Napisany przez Konstantine
Zaktualizowano 4 lata temu

Use 'Paste as text'

Not everything you paste from the clipboard will appear look nice. Here's how to avoid this.

Napisany przez Konstantine
Zaktualizowano 4 lata temu

Insert a table into your email

You can use tables to organize your email in a better and more digestible way.

Napisany przez Konstantine
Zaktualizowano 4 lata temu

Add buttons to your email

Add CTA buttons to your emails to increase engagement and click-through rate.

Napisany przez Konstantine
Zaktualizowano 4 lata temu

Visual editor toolbar, explained

The visual email editor by HelpCrunch has all the necessary tools for composing that nice and sweat email.

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Zaktualizowano 4 lata temu

Save custom email templates

You can use any email you've composed as a template and re-use it constantly.

Napisany przez Konstantine
Zaktualizowano 3 lata temu

How the visual email editor works

Things to keep in mind before you start composing your first email in HelpCrunch.

Napisany przez Konstantine
Zaktualizowano 4 lata temu

Dodatkowe artykuły

How does the HelpCrunch email counter work?

I used all my monthly emails, but for some reason my email counter didn’t reset to 0 on the first day of the next month. Why is that?

Napisany przez Konstantine
Zaktualizowano 5 miesięcy temu