🤝 Integrations
BTW, you can integrate HelpCrunch with your favorite toolsZapier integrations
How we used Zapier to integrate HelpCrunch with Pipedrive
Find out how HelpCrunch integrated with Pipedrive using Zapier and fueled up its sales routine.
Integrate HelpCrunch with Zapier
Connect HelpCrunch with the apps you use everyday
Messenger integrations
Integrate HelpCrunch with Facebook and Instagram
Connect your company's Facebook Pages and Instagram Business accounts to HelpCrunch for seamless customer support integration
Integrate HelpCrunch with Telegram
Connect your company's Telegram account to HelpCrunch for seamless customer support integration
Integrate HelpCrunch with WhatsApp
Connecting your WhatsApp Business Account opens opportunities to effortlessly reach more customers and drive business growth.
Integrate HelpCrunch with Viber
Connect your company's Viber account to HelpCrunch for seamless customer support integration
Messenger start parameters
Viber, telegram, facebook and Instagram start parameters
Additional articles
Integrate HelpCrunch with Apix-Drive
Find out how to connect HelpCrunch with your favorite tools in a few clicks using Apix-Drive.
Integrate HelpCrunch with Google Analytics
If you want to track chat/widget event in Google Analytics, just follow this guide.
Integrate HelpCrunch with Google Tag Manager
Just follow this guide if you need to track chat/widget events in Google Tag Manager
Integrate HelpCrunch with Google Analytics (Universal Analytics)
If you want to track chat/widget event in Google Analytics, just follow this guide.
Integrate HelpCrunch with Fluid
Integrate HelpCrunch with Fluid and use it as Mac OS app.
Integrate HelpCrunch with Slack
Receive real-time Slack notifications about new messages in HelpCrunch.